As society, economy, and technology advance rapidly, a greater need for effective third- party counseling sessions are needed. Humans are the most complex living beings that have more capabilities and adaptabilities than all other creatures. At the same time, humans are not robots, which can be programmed to respond exactly the same way for every situation. Generally speaking, when the same types of problems arise over and over again, it is a clear indication that Counseling sessions are in serious need to resolve the issues.
Some examples of Cornerstone Counseling Categories…
- Personal development issues
- Past unresolved issues
- Family member relationship counseling
- Intimate relationship counseling
- Pre-marital counseling
- Marriage counseling
- Mental disturbances
- Personality issues
- Parental to Children issues
- Multi-generational issues
- Cross-cultural issues
- Addictions
Cornerstone Group Counseling & Consultation fee is $150.00 per hour for the first 3 hours. If more time is requested by the client, the fee is $125.00 for each additional hour for the same session. Fees can be prorated at 30- minute usage time. In order to ensure sufficient time is set aside for our client’s appointment, anticipated fees are charged. Any unused portion, up to 1.5 hours can be refunded back. If a second session is requested by our clients, we will provide the available schedule for clients to select from.
We look forward with helping you to achieve a holistic healthy well-being! After all, this is the purpose of life!
If you or someone you care about needs help, reach out to them to get help. To make an appointment for Cornerstone Group Counseling or Consultation, please call (949) 229-5987
- Please do not spam our contact information above.